Aiming for Archery

Yesterday I did archery, and I am really happy that I did it. It was a bull’s eye of an experience!

Photo from Pixabay

There are many steps to learn when you are doing archery. You take a bow and hold it, and then you take an arrow.  Next,  rest the end of the arrow on a notch that is already on the bow string. Then on the arrow is a little circle that snaps on the bow. SNAP! 


When you have the arrow ready, you shoot at a target.  You stand with your feet parallel to the wall. Don’t lean back. Pull the bowstring back and try to aim at the bullseye and shoot! The object is to get the arrow in the yellow center called the bull’s eye.


Learning archery was really fun.


Would you ever do archery?

Have you ever learned a new skill?



  1. Wow I had no idea you were learning archery! That’s so cool! You’ll have to show us some time! I love your new blog!

    • I tried archery and was only okay at it. I was much better at axe-throwing! It has the same kind of target and everything, but you’re hurling axes and hoping the stick in the center!

  2. I would love to learn archery!

  3. Hi:

    I’ve never done archery, but it does seem fun. My son and I have been watching Batman: Brave and the Bold lately and one of the heroes he teams up with is Green Arrow. He has special arrows that can do things like explode or deactivate security devices.

    One of the skills that I learned recently was how to teach online. It’s a lot of work!

  4. Great explanation of archery. What a fun sport!

  5. Great job explaining the steps to archery. I used to take archery when I was a little girl at day camp. It sure is fun!

  6. That’s such a great explanation of how to do archery! I tried archery at summer camp when I was a kid but I haven’t done it in years!

    When I was in 7th grade, I began learning how to speak Spanish. Sometimes it was challenging to remember certain words or to make certain sounds, like rolling my r’s, but I kept practicing and today I can still speak some Spanish!

    ¡Gracias por compartir este blog con el público!

  7. Wow, Archery! How cool! I myself when I think of archery I think of Robin Hood! I also think of the ancient times, and ancient wars. In those days they used bows and arrows to fight their enemies. I’ve never tried archery….. sounds like fun, and it must be so exciting to get the bulls eye! I’m afraid I would probably miss the whole target! 😁

  8. I love archery! The part that was hardest for me was keeping the bowstring from slapping my arm when it released. I could hit the target, but I got a lot of bruises before I got an arm guard!

  9. Hi Peppermint Dolphin!

    I really like the way you described all of the steps to how to do archery. I remember doing archery as a kid in camp and enjoying it.

    When my son was in kindergarten, he decided he wanted his hobby to be archery. He had done it at camp and really liked it. It was very difficult to find a school for archery that was both close and open to 6 year olds!!! We finally found a place about 30 miles away that had weekend classes he could participate in. I think he only went once, but he enjoyed it!

    Are you going to do archery again?

    I remember trying to learn out to snowboard. It was new to me, as I had also only been skiing a couple times. It was really hard and I never got the hang of it. I feel down a lot! Luckily I didn’t get too hurt. And I know I had fun trying.

  10. Hi, I tried archery and thought it was really fun. It required some skill to hit the target, however it hurt my fingers to pull back the bow.

  11. That sounds so fun, Dahlia! I have never tried archery before. It sounds like you know how to do it! Have you done it at Girl Scout camp before? Have you seen Robin Hood and Brave? They both have lots of archery.

  12. I think that’s great that you’re learning archery. It looks like it would be very fun, but I imagine it could hurt your hands. You’ll have very strong arms if you keep it.

    I’ve been trying a few new things since we’ve been home. Lately, I’ve been baking, which I was never very good at, but I think I’ve gotten better with practice.

    Your blog is very well done. I look forward to reading about what else you’re doing.

  13. Archery sounds cool! So does horseback riding! I’m jealous of all the fun things you do!!

  14. Why is the center called a bull’s eye? I see that it looks like an eye, but why is it a bull’s?

  15. Hi Dahlia! I just remembered a story about bow and arrows. This is about a legend, but some people say it really happened. It’s about William Tell, who was forced by a tyrannical ruler of Switzerland, to shoot an arrow off his son’s head or go to prison. Here is a video of the story:
    As a matter of fact, a famous composer, Rossini, wrote an opera called William Tell, and the overture to that opera is played over and over in cartoons, and movies and TV shows. I can hum it in my head right now, because I have heard it so much. Often it’s used when horses are running, because the music is fast. When I was growing up, there was a TV show called “The Lone Ranger”, and they played the William Tell Overture all the time in the background, when he was galloping with his horse.

  16. Just a little tip, exhale before you release the arrow. Don’t hold your breath, but release the arrow jsut as the exhale finishes.

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